Wild Land
Parking Garage
Industrial Buildings

Video of the Fire Tyke in action!

Simply click on the picture below to Download file and Play.


Click to Download & Play!

Click to Download & Play!
160  x 120 pixels
Video only - No audio
320 x 240 pixels
Video only - No audio

Photos of the Fire Tyke in action!
Simply click on the thumbnails below to see a larger image.
Blade & Tracks Nozzle in Use Nozzle in Use
Blade & Track Nozzle in-use Nozzle Close-up

Operator Guard Spray boom in use Spray boom
Operator Guard Spray Boom in-use Spray Boom Close-up


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"Interface and Wildland Fire Protection Vehicles"

FireTyke  Albuquerque  New Mexico 87108  505-266-5425  info@firetyke.com
© 2002 Fire Interface Research & Equipment, Inc.  All rights reserved.
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